Ms S. Langa replied to the topic BSTD- Grade 11- 7 July 2021- notes- Stress, crisis and change management in the forum BUSINESS STUDIES Grade 11 4 years ago
Good Morning Grade 11s
Hope you are all well and keeping safe. We are continuing with our notes on stress, crisis and change management.
Today we will be looking at the Crisis management along side Modules you’d have to do after this section.
– Is a business plan of action hat has to be put into operation quickly when a negative situation occurs. Business managers have to take action to limit damage.
> Some examples of business crisis:
Business crisis disrupts the way a firm usually conducts its business and can result in negative publicity. it can also have serious financial and legal effects. examples include:
* malicious acts of products tampering endangering consumers
* lawsuits for wrongful advertising
* theft or sabotage of equipment
* natural disasters, such as an earthquake or flood
* failure of an IT system
* illness of a key worker or managerCHANGE MANAGEMENT
– Includes all the processes, tools and techniques that managers use to help employees to adapt to changes occurring within the business, industry or the economy as a whole. Managing change is the responsibility of the managers and CEO.
you need to keep in mind that Change management involves making sure that both the following groups work together to implement the changes:
A) Managers and the CEO (who want the changes to be implemented rapidly and smoothly)
B) Front-line employees (who want to know how the changes are going to affect them).Some of
> The Causes of Change in a Business:
Factors that cause change in a business include:* new owners with new policies
* efforts to deal with the turnover of employees
* new processes instituted to expand to to improve growth
* mergers, takeovers and acquisitions
* introduction of new technology
* onset of a recession in the economy.We are Given theories of Change under the sub topic Change management.
THE JOHN KOTTERS identified eight steps that should be taken in order to manage change.
Please go through them from the handout that was given to you of the theories.
e.g step 1: Establish a sense of urgency in the need for change. . .
You are to jot these notes down in your note book and complete the modules for me including TEST YOURSELF module 9 on page 54 IN YOU 72 PAGE EXERCISE BOOK.
Any questions please feel free to engage here on the site.